What to Evaluate when Choosing an Accreditor

What to Evaluate when Choosing an Accreditor

Organizations can always benefit from evaluation; a checking in on the processes and procedures of caring for clients. Behavioral and rehabilitation organizations are no different, and PowderHorn Consulting is poised to position these providers to have an excellent experience with an outside evaluation through an accreditation arm. We at PHC assist all sorts of behavioral and mental health groups in their pursuit of excellence. Several outstanding reasons to become accredited exist:

  • It demonstrates a facility’s commitment to service and quality
  • Accreditation may be essential to federal, state and local contracts
  • It provides recognition by insurance companies and third-party payers
  • Accreditation may be a potential condition for reimbursement by particular insurers or other payers
  • Establishes helpful processes and procedures throughout the organization
  • Creates potential to reduce liability insurance costs
  • May improve customer satisfaction ratings because of assurance that provider has demonstrated conformance to internationally recognized standards.
  • Improves risk management and risk reduction
  • Provides competitive advantage

In the last sixteen years, PHC has assisted in the accreditation of over 310 rehabilitation organizations through CARF and TJC, all of them resulting in successful recognition of placing the seal of accreditation on their doors, website and letterhead as a demonstration of their commitment to quality. While we represent both organizations, we know that each patron of ours is unique, and that you will ultimately make the decision of the accrediting organization that you choose. That’s why we purposefully do not sell or promote one over the other. Both provide valuable accreditation benefits to our customers.

Of course, PHC is willing to help, but in choosing an accreditor, there are several attributes to consider:

  • The organization ought to be widely known, respected, stable, and demonstrate future growth potential. There are other organizations besides TJC and CARF. CARF accredited its first program in 1969, and TJC began accrediting behavioral health in 1970.
  • Customer service must be good with your accreditation partner – with answered emails and calls, consisting of standards experts, a support team, excellent resources, and one’s own Account Executive
  • The accreditor must be interested in pursuing the greater good
  • It must provide excellent, experienced surveyors

The biggest difference between CARF and TJC might be the recognition of the name, and the scope of the survey. One may be considered more comprehensive, employing surveyors that are psychologists and social workers, while another may be considered to offer more consistent surveys with depth of knowledge, and offering educational surveys. Either one is beneficial to the bettering of your facility to your clients.

At a recent accreditor webinar, the speaker described surveying as “an art.” At PHC, we believe that the process should look like “art” to you. It should be a beautiful, exhilarating experience in which we will prepare you to fly through the survey process with smiles on your faces, as you gaze upon the “Approved” stamp from CARF or TJC.

Have questions about Accreditation? Click “Contact Us” and our friendly staff will call you back.